Skin is the largest body organ and considered the reflection of our inner strength and wellness. Our skin absorbs, assimilates and digests the best. The skin is in constant contact with the environment which can cause various sensitivities. To protect, enhance and support ageless beauty invest in natural plant-based skincare products. Ayurvedic skin care products are now ever popular because of their deep hydrating, moisturizing and nourishing qualities A radiant, flawless and youthful skin is the ultimate goal. Ayurvedic products rejuvenate and naturally removes the imbalances. Let us discuss some of the magical benefits of continual usage of Ayurvedic skin care products:

Ayurveda skin care products


Ayurveda is considered as the mother of healing sciences. It is a treasure of knowledge on beauty and health. A significant part of the ancient science is dedicated to skincare, beauty and rejuvenation. We are created beautiful, and Ayurveda teaches us to enhance and maintain the beauty inner and outer with the natural botanical products.

Blends of All Natural Fragrances

Plants and natural extracts and fragrances are used thus making it free of all kinds synthetic and chemicals. There are least possibilities of irritations or allergic outbursts. Nature protects us from imbalances and embraces us with love and care. The natural fragrances and oil blends of Ayurveda skincare products will always keep the skin protected from all imbalances.

Reasonably Priced to Suit All Pockets

We have priced the products in a way that beauty and wellness is within the reach and affordable for all. For example, you can buy our all natural high quality 12oz Lavender & Rose Body Scrub from our online store only at $ 58.00. The price of our 4oz Rose Toner is $38.00, and 6oz Face Scrub is $48.00. This truly value for money for the superior quality pure natural ingredients!

Gentle and Nurturing to the Skin

Skin products which are formulated with harmful chemicals and synthetics can cause long term damages and aging to the skin. Our plant-based products which are free from chemicals are clearly food for the skin. They are gentle and nurturing and if you continue to use the products you will definitely see permanent radiance and glow.

Revitalize Your Energy

Modern life reflects a stressful and hectic lifestyle. Poor diet, lack of exercise, unhealthy sleep routines and lack of harmony leads to weak immunity and poor health. All of this reflects on the skin and hair. Ayurvedic skin care and lifestyle restores energy and strengthens digestion which in turn leads to a radiant skin. 

We support a high standard of Ayurvedic Products

Holistic Ayurveda is one of the most trusted places in New York, offering various natural and plant-based products for complete skin care and hair care at very affordable prices. We are proud to have Amita Banerjee in our team, who has more than 22 years of experience providing Wellness Consultations and nutritional guidance to clients. Services that we offer are as follows:

  1. Ayurvedic Wellness consultations

  2. Champee

  3. Facials

  4. Shirodhara

  5. Abhyanga and Marma Abhyanga

  6. Potli body therapy

  7. Panchakarma

  8. Ayurveda reflexology

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Amita Banerjee

Ayurveda Holistic Wellness and Nutrition Counselor, Educationist and Ayurvedic Therapist